The latest step in my constant journey for self-improvement has been a difficult one. A step that requires a strong mindset, consistent good night's sleep and a dash of pure insanity.
I've given up caffeine entirely.
I feel that sentence deserved to stand alone. It may be poor timing considering Starbucks recently brought back my favorite Pumpkin Spice Latte. Damn you, Starbucks!
Whew, now on to the dets (as I fight off the urge to lick my computer monitor). I'm on day three of caffeine-free living, although I phased Coke out of my life (for the most part) about a year ago. But, in my mind, coffee stands alone, miles above all others. Jack with my morning coffee and someone's going to pay. That's not exactly a healthy mindset. I don't like feeling as if I have a substance dependency. And, I don't like feeling that I don't come alive until I've had my Joe. So, three days ago, Joe and I officially ended our relationship.
To ease the transition, I've allowed myself a cup of decaf in the morning. It looks the same, smells the same, but it's just not the same. I drink it anyway.
There's been a heavy dose of side-effects to accompany this decision. Monday at around 10, I felt as if I was going to pass out. Clammy. Head pounding. Desperate for a fix. This only reiterated my decision. By 2 p.m., I was pretty sure I was going to have to go home ... but I can't drive back to Shreveport like this ... might as well work through the pain. Tuesday, I experienced a similar pain, however far less intense. And today, I felt like I was sleepwalking through the morning. I said out loud to myself numerous times, "focus, focus."
The good news is that the headaches are becoming milder and milder. I think I'm coming out of that stage of detox where you're sweating and puking and hot and cold at the same time (these were not my actual symptoms).
You may all be asking one question at this point. Why? Essentially, I'm not getting any younger folks! Might as well kick the bad habits while I still can.