Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy to Call Shreveport Home

I had an interview this morning with Shreveport movie maker Jeffrey Goodman. After our interview, while I was packing up my things, we began to talk about growing up in Shreveport and how great it is to still call Shreveport home. Although I'm a C.E. Byrd Yellow Jacket and Jeffrey is a Captain Shreve Gator, we let the longstanding rivalry rest to revel in what we love about our hometown. 

Post-college Jeffrey lived in Los Angeles and because of his work schedule, he didn't visit his hometown for about five years. I suppose in some instances absence really does make the heart grow fonder. When Jeffrey did come home, he stayed. 

I shared with Jeffrey about how many of the friends I grew up with seem to get a major chip on their shoulder once they moved away. Shreveport was the last place they wanted to live, and instead they've sought the big city life. However, I'm perfectly happy here. I'm surrounded by friends and family, which is much more appealing than living in a city filled with strangers. 

Sure, I may see someone I know every time I go to the grocery store. I chalk it up to simply being part of our city's charm. 

If you need some convincing, I have another story to share. Even people nationally consider this to be a special community, filled with wonderful people. Out of more than 2,300 entries in a national competition by True North, Shreveport's Mack McCarter was chosen as one of five finalists for his work with Community Renewal. The winner of the contest was featured in a commercial during the Academy Awards, but McCarter's story can be read at www.truenorthsnacks.com

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