Monday, April 27, 2009


I can live with our without crawfish. I enjoy eating them about once or twice a year, but I always figure they're more work than they're worth. However, I have been to what seems like a zillion crawfish boils in recent weeks. 

There was one for Jonathan Smith's birthday. There was another one for Lane Stevenson's birthday. This weekend we had one at Ty's house (no birthdays included) and there's another one at Walt and Nancy Pipkin's house on my birthday, although it's not for my birthday. 

I can easily say I enjoy the atmosphere more than the crawdads. It's just fun to get together with friends, drink some keg beers and take in the good weather. I'm not very good about taking pictures. Our party lasted from 2 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. and I've only got six pictures to show for it. If Ty had his hands on the camera there would be much more to share — our friends hanging out, Adam cooking up the crawfish, Ty and others entertaining with a little live music. My bad. I got nothin'.


  1. Of course, two out of six were of Riley!

  2. Speaking of crawfishin', are you going to the crawfish boil in Tyler this weekend?

  3. Oh, I forgot about that one. I may go and come back early. I have a couples shower that night. Ty is teaching a sexuality seminar for the youth at church, so he'll be tied up with that all day. I'll be solo if I come.

  4. Probably shouldn't use "sexuality seminar" and "tied up" in the same sentence...just sayin'

  5. Were you trying to make a joke when you followed the words 'Ty's sexuality seminar' with you being tied up? If so, well played!

  6. hey gutter brains, quit being so dirty!
