Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Our Visit with Landry

I spent this past weekend driving more than 12 hours to do this.

It was totally worth every second. Baby Landry is actually my second cousin (I think) ... but in my family, we consider her my niece. She is such a sweet little girl who seems so attentive to everything going on around her. She doesn't want to miss a second of the action.

I tried not to hold it against her that she seemed to prefer Aunt Ashley.

Maybe my big earrings were scary?

We had such a good time cuddling, playing and participating in baby bath time, but we also crossed a few adventures of our list during the journey.

On our way there, we stopped in Fayetteville for dinner at Doe's. This was enough to put me over the moon, however soon after this picture was taken, we ordered more fries. I've never been so content.

We paid a visit to the original Wal-Mart, the Walton's 5-10. It wasn't too exciting, and I think I may have said while on the premises that I hate Wal-Mart ... but it was something to cross off the bucket list. FYI, Walton's is located in downtown Bentonville. You will not find it in downtown Rogers. Believe me, I tried. All of those Northwest Arkansas towns bleed together and sometimes you just end up in the wrong downtown.

And finally, what would our trip have been without a souvenir for Tilly? She got this adorable little outfit for next spring, and particularly for pictures with the Easter Bunny. We have a certain affection for him since Ty used to dress up as the bunny for all the church kids.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet!!! love that new outfit for Tilly!!! she will be one stylin' little girl!!! Landry is PRECIOUS!!!
