Wednesday, August 5, 2009

'Twilight' on the Horizon

Several months ago (OK, it was actually in March), my friend LJ gave me her copy of "Twilight" and the second book ... not sure on the title. Last night, halfway hating myself, I cracked it open. LJ has been threatening to take them back if I don't start reading them, so I figured it was now or probably never.

You would have to live in an alternate universe to have never heard of "Twilight." Normally, if a friend recommends a good book, I'll read it. But when the whole world is recommending it, I think it's too popular to really be of much literary value. That probably makes me a book snob, but then you throw in the words "tween" and "vampire" and you lose my interest entirely. However, trusting the opinion of my dear friend, I rolled my eyes and flipped to page one last night.

I read through the first few pages, half expecting my eyes to glaze over and my mind to become entranced in the story. I expected to not be able to flip through the pages fast enough. I expected I would have to put down my book around 2 a.m. and force myself to go to sleep. But none of those things have happened so far.

There's a chance that in the next week, I will eat these words. However, as of right now — Aug. 5 — I ask, what's the big deal? There's a chance that I'll swoon for Edward, the hunky, handsome vampire. Worst case scenario, there's a chance I'll become one of these (picture below).


Ashley Netherton said...

OMG.. i'm a 30 yr old Twilight addict... I'm hoping at some point to join a Twilighters anon.. to get past the withdrawls...

misti said...

Haha! As a self-procalimed book snob myself, I will have to admit that I enjoyed the Tweenlight books. But I'd never heard of them when I read the first one last summer on the beach, it was just something I grabbed at Target.

And yeah - I don't think Stepenie Meyer is going to win any Pulitzers anytime soon, but she tells a good story!

Stephanie Jordan said...

I trust both of your opinions, so I will continue to read ... and possible get my pointy teeth shaved into fangs!

Kate said...

I LOVE the Twilight series! They are just easy reads. If anyone has Eclipse, I need it!